Trust Payment

***By clicking this link to make a payment, I agree to a charge of 3% if I use my credit or debit card for the payment of costs or expenses. Additionally, if there is a charge assessed by the court for a filing fee on my matter, I agree to pay the court charge.
NOTE: The 3% charge does not apply to the payment of legal services. The 3% charge is only related to costs or expenses. You can avoid the imposition of the credit card fee on costs and expenses by paying for your costs or expenses in cash or by check.
Invoice Payment

***By clicking this link to make a payment, I agree to a charge of 3% if I use my credit or debit card for the payment of costs or expenses. Additionally, if there is a charge assessed by the court for a filing fee on my matter, I agree to pay the court charge.
NOTE: The 3% charge does not apply to the payment of legal services. The 3% charge is only related to costs or expenses. You can avoid the imposition of the credit card fee on costs and expenses by paying for your costs or expenses in cash or by check.